To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the Center for Disease Control recommends wearing cloth face coverings in public situations and settings where social distancing is difficult to maintain, such as grocery stores and pharmacies. Cloth face masks can help prevent people from directly contacting their face, and can serve as a proactive step to help potentially minimize community transmission.
United Way of Midland County needs 340 cloth face masks (larger sizes for adults and smaller sizes for children) to distribute to local nonprofits and volunteers. During this pandemic, it is imperative we do our part to stop the spread by taking proper precautions and helping our fellow neighbors stay safe.
For easy-to-follow, CDC-approved directions for how to make cloth face masks from fabric, T-shirts, or bandanas, please click here and scroll down.
Please place finished masks in a box or bag and drop off on the doorstep of United Way of Midland County, 115 Jerome St, Midland, MI 48640.